Friday, February 15, 2013

Tia Mowry Lends a Hand to Dress for Success, Dishes Mommy Advice to Kate MIddleton and Kim Kardashian

If anyone knows about dressing for success, it's Tia Mowry, who we've watched grow from a spunky teen on Sister, Sister in the nineties to a glam wife and mom on her Style reality show Tia & Tamera and BET's The Game. So it was the perfect union when Tia stepped out to help the not-for-profit Dress for Success revitalize the looks (and spirits!) of many of the organization's Los Angeles-area clients with an evening of makeovers at hip West Hollywood makeup studio Blushington.

If you're unfamiliar with Dress for Success, they provide disadvantaged women with the tools and support necessary to gain employment and have financial stability. With the help of Puffs, who are currently donating $1 for every "virtual kiss" sent through their Facebook page (if you haven't sent one yet, go there now), Tia offered up her own advice for looking and feeling great. Since Blushington only has the capacity to hold so many people, we asked the hard-working mama to share some of her words of wisdom with us to share with you. She also has a few pearls for moms-to-be Kim Kardashian and Kate Middleton. We're listening...


OK!: How did you get involved with Dress for Success?

Tia Mowry: Dress for Success is an organization I’ve been a fan of for a very long time. I’ve already done several events for them and I’m a huge advocate for it. I think it’s amazing how they work with women who may be homeless or have some sort of disadvantage. They bring them under their wings and support them and guide them and give them proper attire and teach them career development tools. When I first heard Puffs was collaborating and working with Dress for Success on this Kisses program it was a no-brainer for me.

OK!: We hear you gave out the inaugural kiss for the campaign, how was that?

TM: It was so much fun. The event was amazing. Puffs was actually providing makeup tips and makeovers to many of the women who are a part of the organization. So just to be able to sit there and talk to these women and share my stories with them and have them share their stories with me … there were two women in particular who were both from a homeless shelter and they were getting their makeup done and they felt beautiful, so that was amazing. But what was more amazing was telling everybody what Puffs is doing for the Dress for Success organization. On their Facebook page, every virtual kiss you send to someone with a lovely little note on it, they’ll donate a dollar to the Dress for Success organization. If 100,000 people can send out kisses, that’s $100,000 that’s being donated to such an amazing organization. They’re helping women put their best face forward and feel more confident and beautiful with themselves.


OK!: What are some simple and affordable ways women can look polished and pulled together?

TM: I always say this, invest in a proper blazer. Blazers, they don’t have to be expensive. It’s just finding that right cut for you. When you invest in a blazer, you already look professional and pulled together. You can throw it together with flats, you can throw it together with a skirt, you can even put it on with a dress and you look very professional, very put together. That’s definitely one of my go-tos if I’m having a meeting, whether it’s with a network or I’m going out on an audition, I always throw on a really nice blazer. I have tons of them in my closet at various price points. Also, look fresh-faced. You don’t want to put on too much makeup where you don’t really know who you are anymore! I always like to throw on some mascara with a nice, bright lip and a little bit of blush. And there you have it – you look nice, fresh-faced and pulled together.

OK!: As a busy mom, what’s the one part of your pre-baby beauty routine that you still try to find time for?

TM: Facials, definitely, definitely facials. I used to get facials done before my child and now that’s something I definitely work into my schedule because, at the end of the day, you have to take care of yourself, especially as a woman. You still want to feel and look your best and feel beautiful. Something I haven’t kept up with that’s really hard for me are manicures and pedicures. I don’t even want to tell you how often I get them because that would be embarrassing. I think it’s really hard because I’m washing dishes and I’m giving my baby a bath every night so I know they’re not going to hold up so what’s the point in spending money on them? I make excuses for myself like, “Open toed shoes are not in style now!”


OK!: We're super excited about Kim Kardashian and Kate Middleton each expecting babies this summer, what advice would you love to pass on to them? What’s something you wish someone had told you?

TM: Oh my gosh. Nothing is perfect. I would definitely give them that. When you’re a new mom you want everything to run smoothly. You always want them to be on this perfect schedule but children are not machines. They are these little, tiny humans. Not everything is going to be perfect. One day he or she will sleep throughout the night. The next day that won’t happen, but that’s okay. Not everything has to fall into place. Another thing is – definitely, definitely sleep when the baby sleeps. People would tell me that all the time but it wasn’t until I started to feel like a walking zombie that I started to think, “They’re right!” If you don’t sleep when the baby sleeps you’re not going to be happy, you’re not going to be functional as a good mom. Put the dishes aside, let the clothes pile up and let the house be a mess for a minute. Also, don’t rush into trying to get your body back. Who are you in competition with? Take your time! And that’s exactly what I did. I took my time. I’m happy. I’m fine. I was there for my child and I didn’t feel like I had to be at the gym every single day.

OK!: What advice do you have for them regarding being pregnant in the spotlight?

TM: I did have my go to's when I was pregnant. I think Kim Kardashian is doing it well, as well as Kate Middleton. She looks so beautiful. She’s keeping it classy but still shining with her personality. Even though you’re pregnant it doesn’t mean your style has to suffer. A blazer is a great piece to add as a pregnant woman. You don’t have to close it! Vanessa Minnillo did this really well while she was pregnant. If she was wearing a flowy bohemian dress she would put a colorful blazer on top of it. When you’re pregnant you wear a lot of high-waisted dressesso adding a colorful, bright blazer to that is great. A lot of pregnant women turn to black to try to slim them. Honey, pop some color and embrace that belly! Wear that tight dress that accentuates the belly. Don’t try to hide it. You only have this belly for a little bit. It may seem like a while but you miss it when it’s gone. You do.

What do you think of Tia's mommy advice? Let us know in the comments below, or tweet us @OKMagazine.



Tia Mowry Lends a Hand to Dress for Success, Dishes Mommy Advice to Kate and Kim

Photo credit: 

courtesy of Puffs

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